My Spin by Tom Campbell

My Spin: About Donald Trump

Momma always said that if you couldn't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything. So......             Once again you were right, momma.    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   September 13, 2015

Restoring welfare to work requirements

He that will not work shall not eat (except by sickness he be disabled),” Captain John Smith told the 1609 Jamestown colonists. It wasn’t a new idea, in fact it dates back to at least the first...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   September 11, 2015

Flounder matter smells fishy

When I was a boy we could walk out on the shore of our Neuse River summer home, cast out a line on a rod and reel and catch enough good-sized Croakers for supper in about an hour. Many an afternoon...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   September 4, 2015

Fixing failing schools

North Carolina has been talking for years about fixing failing schools, but so far it is mostly talk. It isn’t easy to discuss some of the underlying issues involved without sounding accusatory...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   August 28, 2015

70 Years along the Road to Character

Seventy years ago on August 14, 1945, America and its Allies observed V-J Day, the end of World War II. As we remember all those who sacrificed and contributed to this effort it is fitting to consider...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   August 14, 2015