My Spin by Tom Campbell

Don't blame state employees

It is understandable how public employees may feel like punching bags. They are subject to jabs that there are too many of them on the public dole, that they don’t work hard, don’t get much done...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   August 7, 2015


Is it just me or have we come to a time when people can say anything they want with no sense of remorse of concern for others? The current presidential circus is filled with candidates calling each...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   July 31, 2015

Judicial retirement

We expect an announcement soon that Superior Court Judge Howard “Howdy” Manning, Jr. will be retiring upon reaching the mandatory judicial retirement age. Our state will lose a dedicated and...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   July 17, 2015

Fixing our annual budget crisis

Few are surprised our legislature came up to the deadline to pass a new state budget and was forced to pass a continuing resolution. It’s a regular occurrence. Fewer still have raised questions why...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   July 3, 2015

No idea about Voter ID

No one in authority has said why both houses of our legislature mysteriously, rapidly and overwhelmingly passed modifications to their 2013 election law changes or why Governor McCrory announced he...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   June 26, 2015

Let the voters decide

When the framers of our state’s Constitution were assigning duties and responsibilities to the various branches of government they wisely delegated to the voters decision-making responsibility for...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   June 19, 2015

Another Medicaid problem. What's new?

Just when we were beginning to trust that North Carolina’s Medicaid program was better managed and actually spending within its allocated budget we learned the program hasn’t been paying doctors...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   June 12, 2015

The education fork in the road

Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” With presidential vacancies in both The University of North Carolina System and Community College System we may have reached...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   June 5, 2015