My Spin by Tom Campbell

Our own "House of Cards"

You don’t have to watch House of Cards on Netflix to witness political drama, intrigue and raw power plays. There’s all you want taking place in Raleigh in the separation of powers battle between...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   March 20, 2015

Butt out.

As Republicans begin their fourth year leading our state legislature it is fair to assess how they and we are doing under their control. They’ve done some good things, some not so good and some...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   March 13, 2015

Whom do you trust with the Internet?

Perhaps you have been listening to the yays and nays concerning the net neutrality decision of the FCC, which also gave the City of Wilson permission to expand their Greenlight Internet service. Where...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   March 6, 2015

Not your father's GOP

Can you remember those car ads that tried to lure us into purchasing the new model proclaiming, “this is not your father’s Oldsmobile?” The brand disappeared, now little more than a memory. The...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   February 20, 2015

The "rest of the story" on roads

You know what the news is,” the late Paul Harvey said. “Now you’re going to hear the rest of the story.” It’s not news that North Carolina has huge transportation needs. Leaders have been...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   February 13, 2015

The founder and his dream

Jim Arch always stood out in a crowd. His red hair, blue eyes and bushy mustache attracted attention, but his engaging, charismatic personality drew people to him. With little formal education and...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   February 6, 2015

A season to govern

The writer of Ecclesiastes was correct. For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. The 2011 and 2013 legislative sessions made, arguably, some of the most dramatic...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 30, 2015

Serving "at the pleasure"

Steve Logan, former East Carolina University head football coach, recently remarked that things don’t usually turn out well for head coaches. The same is often true for anyone who serves “at the...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 24, 2015

Serving "at the pleasure"

Steve Logan, former East Carolina University head football coach, recently remarked that things don’t usually turn out well for head coaches. The same is often true for anyone who serves “at the...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 23, 2015