My Spin by Tom Campbell

15 to watch in 2015

No matter how good the crystal ball, it is impossible to predict what will happen in 2015. Perhaps it will be easier to identify the people likely to either make or respond to North Carolina news...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 2, 2015

Drinking and driving

The worst nightmare of any parent is that phone call saying there has been an accident involving your child. The leading cause of death among 15-20 year olds involves motor vehicle crashes and alcohol...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 26, 2014

The Grinches who stole the tax credit

Governor McCrory and others are advocating the restoration of the historic preservation tax credit. They raise the larger question of how North Carolina can have tax reform (that supposedly closes...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 19, 2014

Lower costs for higher education

When my grandfather was president of Campbell College I remember his stories of students who paid tuitions with hams, cabbages or produce from their family’s farm. College was a sacrifice in those...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 12, 2014

We need Triage on Medicaid Reform

Will North Carolina ever reform Medicaid? After more than two years, we aren’t much closer to reform solutions today than we were a year ago. North Carolina spends more than 10 percent of its...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 5, 2014

Changing the State Budget Dance

In January, Pat McCrory will begin his third year as Governor, but his first chance to fully develop a biennial budget that reflects his priorities. This truth highlights North Carolina’s poorly...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   November 21, 2014

Old wisdom for a new day

I am not a member of any organized party - I’m a Democrat,” humorist Will Rogers frequently said in the 1920’s. The same is true today, especially in North Carolina. After a third consecutive...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   November 14, 2014